art direction
motion graphics
What role does mythology plays in our humanity? Told from the lens of technology, mythology is described as a projection of our innate fear and anxiety; created to explain the unexplainable.
[ Viceland ]
Brand Ident
After Effects
[ Branding in a New Light ]
The exposed, curt identity synonymous with Viceland is placed into new contexts through the use of Surreal elements and nested scenes.
The goal was to understand Viceland's existing brand language and remain true to their essence, but also provide alternative visual solutions in a short 15 second ident.

[ Identity ]
The branding consists of straightforward type that acts as a framework for content. The identity is, "blunt and raw – an exposed structure, a functional language free of decoration, artifice and veneer." [Gretel].

[ Challenge ]
Viceland's strong, recognizable brand identity means there's little for deviation or experimentation. A level of consistency between prior branded material and with this branding needs to be maintained.
[ Solution ]
To capture the essence of Viceland while also being experimental with their current branding, a character was used alongside dynamic typography. The scenes are nested and take the viewer through a story: a direct reference to Viceland's documentative content.